Friday, April 11, 2008

Pay Per Post

The question is, why do we blog? There are a lot of reasons on why we blog. It could be for personal or business matters. But whatever the reason is, blogging has been a big part of internet. Blogging serves as an internet diary, a review, advertising purposes and the list just could go on. But what some bloggers don't know is that they can earn money for blogging. Yes, you earn for writing what you love. And one way is by submitting your blog to PayPerPost. What is it exactly? They give you a topic that you like, then you write something about it and then you earn. Three simple steps. Blog ethics is a must when you submit a post. What does it mean? It's the principles of writing an article. Being honest with yourself and your readers and disclosure with your advertisers.

If you have been blogging for a few months or even just for a few weeks, I bet that you have noticed some sites having the widget Payperpost. That's how I discovered PPP. The name itself tells everything about it. Get paid for posting. A very catchy name, why not apply my blog and maybe I'll earn while I write what I love. And luckily, I have been approved and site is now officially a member of PPP.

There are a lot of possibilities with PayPerPost. Gain friends, links, learn new things and of course, earn money. It could even save you time if you are the type of person who wants to write, earn money and gain traffic. Yes, with PayPerPost, everything is done. There's really nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I have read reviews and opinions of other bloggers around the net and so far, I have seen positive reactions on PPP. Try searching the words "paid to blog" on yahoo or google and you'll find PPP on the top 1 rank on the list. It's just a proof that it is worth applying for. And I am thankful to be accepted and became a proud member of PayPerPost.

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