Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fake Entrecard Widget

If you are an Entrecard dropper, I think you also experienced what I have experienced. I clicked this fake Entrecard widget. A sign that has Z solutions in it. It's not illegal or anything but it's a way of spamming and cheating just to increasing traffic in your site. And most of all, it annoys a lot of Entrecard droppers for misleading them to that site. I have been a victim of this several times and I'm sure I am not the only one. So if you see this ad on a site, DO NOT CLICK on it. There are several ways of increasing traffic to your site but spamming and cheating is not the best way. In fact, it could be the downfall of your site. Once droppers discover this, it's the end and they stop visiting your site because they are all annoyed with your strategy. I would like to give credit Humane Blogging Tips for posting this on his/her blog. I have noticed this widget for quite some time now and Humane Blogging Tips gave me the urged to spread this.

My biggest question is, who are the people or person supporting this widget and placing it to their sites. If you are a regular dropper, you'll notice that it is spread around to different sites. I'm wondering if these sites with these widgets have only one owner. A blogger who created many sites and place this widget to each and every site he has. One thing is for sure, sooner or later, all Entrecard droppers will find out your fake widget and ban your site. It's just a matter of time.


  1. Yeah..i found it quite annoying too...i have to search where the real entrecard....

  2. I was bitten by that advert- it's easy to spot when you know it, but it is really confusing. It put me off any site advertising it, if I see that ad on a blog, I just click away now.

    You've gotta wonder about some people...

  3. thanks for the warning.I've put two widgets on two of my blogs is that illegal?

  4. You should only place one Entrecard widget coz it still only counts as one even if you place two.

  5. There's another fake widget here:

    Fairly easy to spot.
