Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Guitarist, The Evolution

Hi! Since this is my very first post on this blog (I have other blogs), I would like to tell something about myself. I've been making blogs for a few months now and I've decided to create this blog. The topic? Basically about everything. From video games, arts, graphics, music, tips, money making, movies, t.v. shows, guitars and the list goes on. I'm currently a guitarist of a band here in the Philippines so my first post must be about.. uhmm.. myself, the guitarist. I've been a professional guitarist for 8 years. When I say professional, I don't mean that I'm one of the best. What I meant was that it's my work. There's one thing that I regret though. I wish I started playing when I was 6. I really didn't start late. I started at the age of 13 (I think). It's hard at first but as everybody keeps telling me, practice makes it perfect. It's been an up and down experience being in a band. Hard work is the key. I've been influenced by Tuck Andress, Lee Ritenour, Greg Howe and a few more. If you don't know who they are, try searching their videos in YouTube. I just wish I have all their talents combined. That would be nice.

One night, I was playing the Super Mario Bros theme on my guitar. I just went on YouTube and searched if there was already someone out there who played it on their guitar. And I was amazed on the undiscovered talents that I just saw. One was this Korean guy who plays two guitars simultaneously. He used the tapping technique and uses the style of Stanley Jordan. Here's a video I want you guys to see.

I read his profile and he said on his website that he just wanted to be famous. And I bet he is. This just tells me there's no limit on how to play your guitar. Tuck Andress had his own style which I guess was influenced by Joe Pass. They had the same style but Tuck just made it a little modern. Stanley had his own with two hand technique which was adapted by Zack Kim (the Korean guy). It's like the evolution of man, but this time it's the evolution of playing your guitar. Here are some more interesting videos that amazed me.

The possibilities are endless. This made me realize that it's not to late for anything at all. You just don't have to be contented on what you can do. Just keep on working hard until you go over your limits. And who knows, you might create a new evolution.

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